
America will reach 160 million Americans fully vaccinated by the end of this week: says Biden.

America will reach 160 million Americans fully vaccinated by the end of this week.

Key sentence:

  • Joe Biden said that the United States is predicted to reach 160 million fully vaccinated Americans by the end of this week.
  • By the end of the week, 160 million fully vaccinated Americans are expected to reach our level. 
  • The Chairman said that the good news is that vaccines are very effective.

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday said that the United States is predicted to reach the 160 million fully vaccinated Americans by the end of this week and that it will be closer to declaring its autonomy against the deadly virus than ever before.

He said millions of fully vaccinated Americans now live their lives, as they did before the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, noting that Covid-19 cases and fatalities are down 90 per cent since January.

“Today, I am proud to announce that due to the war effort that we have made, we are coming even closer to delivering 300 million weapons shots in just 150 days after receiving a report from my entire covid-19 team. 

More than 182 million Americans, including almost 90% of the elderly and 70% of the adults older than 27, received at least one shot,” Biden said.

“By the end of the week, 160 million fully-vaccinated Americans are expected to reach our level. This is my goal in March, and I’m excited that we’re only going to hit a few days after July IV. 

We will therefore have 160 million Americans vaccinated—from about three million when we took office five months ago, “After receiving the whole Covid team’s briefing, he said.

Biden said businesses are being reopened, and economic growth is projected to be the highest in four decades.

“The end is: The virus is running, and America is returning. We return together. We’re coming back. This is one of America’s greatest successes, and you, the people of the Americas, have achieved this,” he said.

At the same time, the President said the fight against the virus in America is not over because many people remain unvaccinated because of the risk to their communities.

“This is an even greater concern as the Delta variant,” he said, added that half of every single case in many parts of the country is already responsible for the Delta variant.

It’s easier to convey and potentially more dangerous, Biden said.

“It seems to me that everyone should think twice. And it should be a rethinking, in particular in young people who might have thought it was not necessary to be vaccinated, did not have to worry, or did nothing about it up to now,” he said.

The Chairman said that the good news is that vaccines are very effective.

“That high degree of protection for fully vaccinated Americans, including the Delta version. Studies after studies showed that almost any Covid-19 hospitalisation and death in the US has been unvaccinated since early May,” said Biden.

Written by Andrew Jones

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