
Over Black life mural, California cops sue Palo Alto city.

Over Black life mural, California cops sue Palo Alto city.

Key sentence:

  • Californian cops sued Palo Alto city over Black Lives Matter wall painting that contained enemy police pictures. 
  • The painting purportedly highlighted a picture of Joanne Chesimard, otherwise called Assata Shakur.
  • Later Chauvin was indicted for killing Floyd and has been condemned to 22.5 years in jail. 

A gathering of Californian cops sued Palo Alto city over Black Lives Matter wall painting that contained enemy police pictures. 

Referring to The Daily Post, The Hill announced that five officials sued Palo Alto, contending that the Black Lives Matter painting endorsed by the city incorporates pictures that comprise provocation against law requirements. 

“Policemen, including Plaintiffs, had to truly pass and defy the Mural and its hostile, oppressive, and hassling iconography each time they entered the Palo Alto Police Department,” the claim got by the Post expressed, detailed The Hill. 

As per the claim, law requirement authorities recently asserted that the wall painting disregarded California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act but was met with obstruction from the city. 

“[Palo Alto] endorsed the lead and demanded that it remain and persevere,” the claim says. 

The National Police Association in July of 2020 allegedly asked the city to eliminate the wall painting, saying it’s anything but an “abomination” to have a picture of Chesimard before the city lobby. 

The painting purportedly highlighted a picture of Joanne Chesimard, otherwise called Assata Shakur, who was indicted in 1973 for killing a New Jersey state trooper. 

A picture of the logo for the New Black Panthers was allegedly remembered for the painting. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center has distinguished the association as a disdain bunch, the media source detailed. 

It was painted before Palo Alto City Hall in June of 2020 after George Floyd’s homicide that made the Black Lives Matter development in the US against bad racial form. 

He was killed by Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin, who bowed on his neck for over nine minutes, which was captured on tape in May 2020 and sparked cross-country racial equity shows.

Later Chauvin was indicted for killing Floyd and has been condemned to 22.5 years in jail. 

In the meantime, Molly Stump, the city’s lawyer, told the media source that Palo Alto had not been presented with the claim.

Written by Andrew Jones

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