
Report: The Taliban has requested a list of females and widows to marry its fighters.

The Taliban has requested a list of females and widows to marry its fighters.

Key sentence:

  • The Taliban, battling with Afghanistan powers to assume responsibility for an enormous piece of the conflict-torn nation.
  • The Taliban has guaranteed them to be hitched to their warriors and taken to Pakistan’s Waziristan.
  • The Associated Press announced that 140 common society and confidence pioneers from the United States.

The Taliban, battling with Afghanistan powers to assume responsibility for an enormous piece of the conflict-torn nation, has explained requesting strict neighbourhood pioneers to give them a rundown of young ladies more than 15 years old and widows under 45, reports have said.

As per reports, the Taliban has guaranteed them to be hitched to their warriors and taken to Pakistan’s Waziristan, where they will be changed to Islam and reintegrated.

“All imams and mullahs in caught regions ought to give the Taliban a rundown of young ladies over 15 and widows under 45 to be hitched to Taliban contenders,” the letter gave for the sake of the Taliban’s Cultural Commission said, as indicated by the Sun.

The most recent diktat comes as the Taliban has overseen many key locales and line posts with Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan after US and Nato troops total their pullout from Afghanistan after almost 20 years.

Afghan security powers and military have set up almost no opposition after frequently being left without provisions or fortifications.

Before this, ladies in Afghanistan’s northeastern region of Takhar were asked not to venture out from their homes alone, and men were approached to develop stubbles as they likewise set endowment guidelines for young ladies as the Taliban are implementing their rendition of Islamic law.

Taliban ask for list of girls, widows under 45 to be married to their fighters

Under the Taliban rule before being expelled after the US-drove intrusion in 2001, ladies were banned from going to class, work outside the home or take off from their home without a male escort in Afghanistan. Violators were embarrassed publically and whipped by the Taliban’s strict police.

Presently, Afghanistan elderly folks say the Taliban will remove their girls and strongly wed them and transform them into slaves. “Since the Taliban dominated, we feel discouraged.

We can’t talk uproariously at home, can’t pay attention to music, and can’t send ladies to the Friday market. So instead, they are getting some information about relatives.

The [Taliban] sub-commandant said you ought not to keep young ladies beyond 18 years old; it’s corrupt, they should get hitched,” Haji Rozi Baig, an Afghan senior, was cited as saying by the Financial Times.

“I’m certain the following day they will come and take my 23-and 24-year-old little girls and wed them forcibly,” Baig said.

The Associated Press announced that 140 common society and confidence pioneers from the United States, Afghanistan and different nations “devoted to the training and privileges of ladies in Afghanistan” requested that President Joe Biden require a UN peacekeeping power “to guarantee that the expense of US military withdrawal from Afghanistan isn’t paid for in the existences of school children.” In the May 14 letter, they likewise asked the US to expand helpful and improvement help to Afghanistan “as a significant security technique” to fortify ladies and young ladies and strict minorities like the Hazaras.

Written by john smith

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