
A defector from North Korea criticizes ‘crazy’ American schools.

A defector from North Korea criticises 'crazy' American schools.

Key sentence:

  • A North Korean defector says the destiny of the U.S. “is as bleak as North Korea.”
  • Those similarities include political correctness and anti-Western sentiment.
  • In 2015, she posted her memoir “To Live,” which chronicled her journey to freedom.

A North Korean defector who attended one of the maximum prestigious universities in America says the destiny of the U.S. “is as bleak as North Korea.”

Yeonmi Park, who attended Columbia University in 2016, says she was greatly surprised by what becomes taught in the schoolroom.

“I anticipated that I changed into paying this fortune, all this time and electricity, to learn how to think. But they’re forcing you to assume the manner they want you to think,” Park instructed Fox News. “I found out, ‘Wow, that is insane.’ I notion America turned into distinctive. 

However, I noticed so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started out worrying.”

Those similarities include political correctness and anti-Western sentiment.

Park also believes American faculties are looking to forestall college students from free and important thinking.

“In North Korea, I believed that my pricey chief (Kim Jong-un) turned into ravenous,” she recalled. “He’s the fattest guy – how can everybody trust that? And then somebody confirmed me a photo and stated, ‘Look at him, he’s the fattest guy. 

Other human beings are all skinny.’ And I changed into like, ‘Oh my God, why did I no longer word that he became fats?’ Because I by no means learned a way to suppose seriously.”

Park changed into thirteen whilst she and her mom escaped North Korea in 2007. They crossed into China in which they have been taken by using human traffickers and sold as slaves. They, in the end, fled to Mongolia earlier than locating shelter in South Korea.

In 2015, she posted her memoir “To Live,” which chronicled her journey to freedom. But she says the U.S. Isn’t as loose as she idea.

“Because I have visible oppression, I recognise what it looks as if,” Park instructed Fox News. “These kids keep announcing how they’re oppressed, how tons injustice they’ve skilled. They don’t recognise how tough it’s far to be free.”

Seeing Americans’ lack of know-how up near has made Park query everything she thought she knew approximately the united states of America.

“North Koreans, we don’t have Internet, we don’t have to get entry to any of these remarkable thinkers, we don’t know something,” she said. “But right here, whilst having everything, human beings pick to be brainwashed. And they deny it.”

She said she wouldn’t be surprised if the plan for America is to “rebuild right into a Communist paradise.”

“The human beings here are demised to give their rights and energy to the government. 

That is what scares me the maximum,” she stated, including, “Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea turned into quite crazy, but now not this loopy.”

Written by john smith

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